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Fig. 1 | Journal of Medical Case Reports

Fig. 1

From: Effects of the immunoglobulin/histamine complex on panic disorder concurrent with chronic spontaneous urticaria: a case report

Fig. 1

A Clinical progress of Histobulinâ„¢ therapy. The urticaria severity score was evaluated every week. Medication frequency was used to indicate the progression of panic disorder and insomnia. The medication frequency for panic disorder and insomnia was parallel to the severity of CSU. Additionally, the clinical manifestations and insomnia were absent despite the cessation of relevant medication. The remission of panic disorder and insomnia was achieved nearly simultaneously with the remission of CSU. Blue line: urticaria severity score during a week; red line: medication frequency for panic disorder during a week; green line: medication frequency of sleeping pills during a week. B Total score of psychometric measures. Psychometric indicators showed significant reductions. Blue line: urticaria severity score during a week; red line: medication frequency for panic disorder during a week; green line: medication frequency of sleeping pills during a week. C Grades of psychometric measures. Grades of psychometric indicators were also significantly reduced: 0, normal range; 1, mild; 2, moderate; 3, severe; blue line, BDI; red line, STAI state; green line, STAI trait; violet line, BHS

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