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Table 1 Case summary

From: Marked hemopneumopericardium in a patient with rectal cancer with distant metastasis: a case report

Age, years

47 years old



Presenting complaint

Worsening dyspnea for 2 weeks associated with productive cough with yellow sputum

Physical examination

Tachypnea, respiratory system examination revealed dullness associated with reduced breath sound on the left side

Labs (abnormal results)

Leukocytosis with a white blood cell count of 13,000/cm2, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels of 116 mg/L

Chest X-ray

Severe hydro-pneumopericardium, total opacification of the left lung, and air space consolidation

CT scan

Heterogeneous soft tissue mass involving left upper and lower lung, with the mass invading the pleural surface and pericardium



Therapeutic intervention:

Emergency pericardiocentesis

 Follow up after 1 week

She was admitted for poor feeding after 1 week and discharged after 5 days

 Follow-up after 3 weeks

Three weeks later, the patient’s primary malignancy progressed, and the patient died

  1. CT Computed tomography