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Table 2 Temperature management in international guidelines

From: Continuous intravenous low-dose diclofenac sodium to control a central fever after ischemic stroke in the intensive care unit: a case report and review of the literature

Society, year


AHA/ASA, 2018 [4]

“Sources of hyperthermia (temperature > 38 °C) should be identified and treated, and antipyretic medications should be administered to lower temperature in hyperthermic patients with stroke.”

HSFC, 2018 [5]

“For temperature greater than 37.5 °C, increase frequency of monitoring, initiate temperature-reducing care measures, investigate possible infection such as pneumonia or urinary tract infection, and initiate antipyretic and antimicrobial therapy as required.”

ESO, 2015 [6]

“In patients with acute ischemic stroke and hyperthermia, we cannot make any recommendation for treating hyperthermia as a means to improve functional outcome and/or survival.”

RCP, 2016 [7]

“Patients with acute stroke should have their clinical status monitored closely, including: level of consciousness; blood glucose; blood pressure; oxygen saturation; hydration and nutrition; temperature; cardiac rhythm and rate.”

  1. Abbreviations: AHA American Heart Association, ASA American Stroke Association, ESO European Stroke Organisation, HSFC Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, RCP Royal College of Physicians