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Table 1 Summary of takotsubo cardiomyopathy cases after gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures [7, 12, 13]

From: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy after an upper and lower endoscopy: a case report and review of the literature

Authors (year published)

Patient age and comorbidities

Procedure and indication

Symptoms, postprocedure findings, follow-up, cardiac catheterization outcomes

Misbahuddin Mohammad et al. (2011) [12]

60-year-old postmenopausal woman with a PMHx of HTN, HLD, and Graves disease

Colonoscopy: syncope following abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea with loss of consciousness, seizure-like movements, and loss of bowel/bladder control

Symptoms: anginal chest pain

Day 1 post-colonoscopy: ST segment elevation in leads V3–V5; troponin: 1.94 ng/ml; EF of 15–20%; midventricular to apical akinesis and basal left ventricular hyperkinesis

2 weeks post-colonoscopy: EF of 70–75% with no wall motion abnormality; troponin level < 0.04 mg/ml; resolution of ECG changes

Cardiac catheterization: normal

Jong Won Yu et al. (2016) [7]

44-year-old woman with no relevant PMHx

EGD: screening

Symptoms: chest discomfort, dyspnea, hypertensive and tachycardic

Day of EGD procedure: ST elevation in leads I, aVL, II, III, and aVF; ST depression in leads V4–V6; troponin: 5.39 ng/ml; hypokinetic mid-left ventricle

2 to 3 days post-EGD: normal cardiac enzymes

Cardiac catheterization: normal

Jong Won Yu et al. (2016) [7]

45-year-old woman with a PMHx of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)

EGD: follow-up of GIST

Symptoms: chest discomfort, hypotensive, tachycardic, and decreased oxygen saturation

Day of EGD procedure: normal ECG; troponin: 3.79 ng/ml; hypokinetic mid-left ventricle; EF of 45%

2 to 7 days post-EGD: resolution of findings

Soo Ryang Kim et al. (2011) [13]

66-year-old woman with a PMHx of HLD

EGD and colonoscopy: screening

Symptoms: nausea, loss of consciousness, cyanosis, and respiratory arrest

Day of EGD and colonoscopy:

ventricular fibrillation with slight ST elevation in V2-V3; troponin ≥ 2.0 ng/ml; severely hyperkinetic base of the left ventricle

11 days post-EGD and postcolonoscopy: normal ECG and normal cardiac enzymes

2 months post-EGD and post-colonoscopy: normal ultrasound

Cardiac catheterization: normal

  1. Abbreviations: ECG Electrocardiogram, EF Ejection fraction, EGD Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, HLD Hyperlipidemia, HTN Essential hypertension, PMHx Past medical history