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Table 1 Serial confrontational motor strength testing, Montreal cognitive assessment testing, and orthostatic vitals

From: A man with small vessel vasculitis presenting with brachial diplegia, multiple cranial mononeuropathies and severe orthostatic hypotension in diabetes mellitus: a case report

Muscle group

Muscle strength grade – data on initial examination

Muscle strength grade – data at 3-month follow up

Muscle strength grade – data at 1-year follow up

Shoulder flexors

2/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

2/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

3/5 (L), 4/5 (R)

Shoulder extensors

2/5 (L), 2/5 (R)

2/5 (L), 2/5 (R

4/5 (L), 5/5 (R)

Shoulder abductors

2/5 (L), 2/5 (R)

2–/5 (L), 2/5 (R)

2/5 (L), 5/5 (R)

Shoulder adductors

3/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

3/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

4/5 (L), 5/5 (R)

Elbow flexors

3–/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

3–/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

4/5 (L), 5/5 (R)

Elbow extensors

3/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

4–/5 (L), 4+/5 (R)

3+/5 (L), 4+/5 (R)

Wrist flexors

2/5 (L), 2/5 (R)

3/5 (L), 4/5 (R)

3/5 (L), 4/5 (R)

Wrist extensors

2/5 (L), 2/5 (R)

3–/5 (L), 4/5 (R)

3/5 (L), 4/5 (R)

Finger flexors

2/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

2+/5 (L), 4–/5(R)

3+/5 (L), 4/5 (R)

Finger extensors

3/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

2+/5 (L), 4/5(R)

3/5 (L), 3+/5 (R)

Finger abductors

2/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

2/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

2/5 (L), 3+/5 (R)

Finger adductors

3/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

3/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

3/5 (L), 3/5 (R)

MoCA score




Orthostatic vitals



BP 142/90, pulse 68

BP 143/96, pulse 71

Not recorded


BP 97/64, pulse 77

BP 128/84, pulse 72

BP 132/88, pulse 73


BP 65/40, pulse 81

BP 98/62, pulse 74

BP 102/70; pulse 83

  1. Muscle strength data is based on the six-point Medical Research Council scale (0, no movement; 1, some movement with an inability to move the joint; 2, movement of the joint but inability to overcome gravity; 3, ability to overcome gravity but not passive resistance; 4, ability to overcome partial resistance but not full resistance; 5, normal strength).
  2. Key: +, indicates slightly more; – indicates slightly less; BP, blood pressure (measured in mmHg); L, left; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; R, right. Pulse measured in beats per minute.