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Table 2 Comparison between our index patient and his cousin

From: Bardet-Biedl syndrome with end-stage kidney disease in a four-year-old Romanian boy: a case report

Index patient

His cousin

Nystagmus in early infancy

Nystagmus and photodysphoria in early infancy

Rod-cone dystrophy, diagnosed at three years of age

Progressive pigmentary retinopathy (rod-cone dystrophy) leading to blindness

Post-axial polydactyly, hexadactyly of the fifth finger in one hand and foot

No light perception by age 14 years

Mild central obesity

Normal extremities/absence of polydactyly or syndactyly

Hypogonadism and hypogenitalism

No childhood obesity, normal weight in adulthood

Renal dysfunction (end-stage renal disease) diagnosed at age 4

Normal genitalia

Mental retardation

Progressive chronic nephropathy, chronic renal failure

One sister with a similar phenotype, but without renal impairment at 14 years of age

Normal intelligence


Mild to moderate bilateral sensorineural hearing loss


Congestive heart failure secondary to dilated cardiomyopathy in early adulthood (severe)


Hyperinsulinemia/insulin resistance


Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus developed in early adolescence


Elevation of hepatic enzymes


Hepatic steatosis


Hepatic dysfunction




Low levels of growth hormone


Short stature


Advanced bone age








Atherosclerotic disease (aorta)




Hypersecretory lungs


One brother who died in infancy with signs and symptoms suggestive for cardiac failure