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Fig.  1 | Journal of Medical Case Reports

Fig.  1

From: Streamline-based three-dimensional peak-velocity tracing of transvalvular flow using four-dimensional flow cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for left ventricular diastolic assessment in aortic regurgitation: a case report

Fig.  1

Mitral inflow assessment of peak early (E-wave) and late (A-wave) inflow velocities. a, b | Transthoracic echocardiography: turbulent aortic regurgitation demonstrated in the apical 2 chamber (a). Pulsed-wave Doppler echocardiography at the tip of the mitral valve leaflet results in very turbulent early filling which prohibited peak mitral inflow E-wave velocity assessment. c, d On 4D flow CMR assessment by peak velocity tracing within the three-dimensional space of the streamlines, the peak velocity during early filling (c) and late filling (d) were recorded by limiting the streamline assessment to length of the mitral valve leaflets. The peak velocity is depicted as the orange ball for mitral inflow and as red ball for aortic regurgitation in the three-chamber view. e, f Both transaortic and transmitral peak velocity traces are presented. Compared with pulse-wave echocardiography, a clearer depiction of peak velocity is seen for both E-wave and A-wave

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