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Table 1 Review of the literature on body stalk malformation

From: Body stalk anomaly presenting as an emergency in Ethiopia: a case report


Description of study

Type of malformation


Singh et al., 2017 [5]

Case report

Large omphalocele with herniation of the small intestine and liver covered by the amniotic membrane and attached to the placenta

Very short umbilical cord

Abortion at 15 weeks

Kocherla et al., 2015 [15]

Case report

Large omphalocele with herniation of the small intestine and liver covered by amniotic membrane

Lower limbs deformity with bilateral talipes

Anencephaly with spina bifida

Karyotype 46,XX

Abortion at 14 weeks

Plakkal et al., 2008 [16]

Case report

Very short umbilical cord

Amelia of the left upper limb

Large defect in the body wall involving the thorax and the abdomen with evisceration of the lungs, stomach, liver, spleen, and intestines

The sternum, the anterior costal parts of the ribs on the left side, and the diaphragm were absent.

Scoliosis of the spine

Stillborn at 36 weeks

Luiz et al., 2016 [18]

Case report

Bulky ruptured omphalocele

Pelvic asymmetry

Atrophy of the lower limbs with clubfoot

Delivered by cesarean section at 36 weeks of gestation

Survived for 84 days

Maria et al., 2016 [19]

Case report

Severe kyphoscoliotic spine

Large anterior abdomen wall with liver, stomach, small and large bowels, right kidney, cardiac apex, and two right lung lobes outside the body with no membrane surrounding them

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia with the ascent of the left kidney in the thoracic cavity, along with hypoplastic lungs, with three lobes on the right lung and four lobes in the left one

Internal hydrocephalus in the brain

Short umbilical cord

Abortion at 23 weeks

Adelita and Melissa, 2015 [20]

Case report

Extrusion of the intra-abdominal and thoracic contents

Syndactyly of the third and fourth fingers of the right hand

8-cm umbilical cord with two arteries and one vein

Permeable anus

Delivery by cesarean section at 27 weeks of gestation

Died immediately

Our patient

Case report

Fetus had only rudimentary right lower extremity

Liver and intestine lie outside the abdominal cavity covered by a transparent membrane

Very short umbilical (7 cm) cord

Severe scoliosis

Delivered by cesarean section

Died immediately after delivery