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Fig. 4 | Journal of Medical Case Reports

Fig. 4

From: Transformation of a low-grade follicular lymphoma into a composite lymphoma combining a high-grade B-cell lymphoma and a lymphoblastic neoplasm expressing Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase: a case report

Fig. 4

Morphological and immunohistochemical analyses of the retroperitoneal mass. a Lymphoblastic morphology (arrows) associated with centroblastic morphology (arrowheads), Hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E)-stained sections, × 20 lens objective. b Presence of lymphoblastic cells in ascites fluid as revealed by May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining, × 100 lens objective. Presence of two populations: (c) one composed of centroblasts expressing Bcl-6 (× 20 lens objective) and (d) the other composed of lymphoblasts expressing terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) (× 20 lens objective). e Double-staining evaluation of lymphoblasts and centroblasts (TdT in brown and BCL-6 in red), × 40 lens objective

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