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Table 1 Timeline

From: Challenging diagnosis of prune belly syndrome antenatally: a case report


Relevant past medical history and interventions


A 29-year-old Saudi woman, married to a first-degree cousin, was G4T2P0A1L2 at 21 weeks of gestation. She was not known to have any medical illness; she was referred due to suspension of diaphragmatic hernia for further workup


Summaries from initial visit and admission follow-up

Diagnostic testing



Presented to the clinic with medical report of findings of suggestive diaphragmatic hernia for further workup to exclude anomalies

On the same day, prenatal screening testing was done and urgent anatomy scan was done that showed genitourinary system anomalies

Patient admitted for amniocentesis and fetal echocardiogram


The patient was admitted for investigations

Fetal echocardiogram showed no obvious anomalies

Amniocentesis done and sample sent to the laboratory


The patient discharged with clinic follow-up

Negative result of prenatal infections



The patient did not come to her clinic follow-up

Result of amniocentesis was normal



Patient came to the clinic after the department coordinator called her

Repeated ultrasound scan showed severe and progressing anomalies compared to the first scan.

Counseling done regarding these findings

Patient admitted to the ward


Patient was in the hospital for observation and tapping of the bladder.

The case was presented in a multidisciplinary team meeting with perinatologist and neonatologist


The meetings revealed no intrapartum management in labor with no fetal monitoring and caesarian section would be preserved for maternal indication. Post-delivery plans not to resuscitate the infant and applying comfort care post-delivery were also explained


The patient received extensive counseling regarding the outcomes of the meeting and proper plan


Tapping of bladder performed and samples sent to whole exome sequencing


Patient delivered with no complications, baby boy with prune belly syndrome features, he died within 2 hours



Patient counseled regarding the future plan of pregnancy management then discharged



Normal placental histopathology, whole exome sequencing result was not obtained due to laboratory error
