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Table 1 Right-side heart catheterization 6 months before pregnancy

From: Pregnancy outcome in a pregnant patient with idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: a case report and review of the literature

Systemic BP 100/60 (73) mmHg

100/60 (73) mmHg

Heart rate



6 mmHg

Right atrium

8 mmHg

Right ventricular pressure

72/10 (36) mmHg

Pulmonary artery pressure

72/45 (60) mmHg


11 mmHg

Cardiac output (thermodilution)

4 liter/minute

Cardiac index

2.31 liter/minute per m2

PVR (dyne × second/cm5)

980 (12.2 WU)

SVR (dyne × second/cm5)

1346 (16.8 WU)

Vasoreactive test (200 μg/kg per minute adenosine)

Mean. PAP = 38 mmHg, cardiac output = 4.2 liter/minute

  1. BP blood pressure, CVP central venous pressure, PAP pulmonary arterial pressure, PAWP pulmonary artery wedge pressure, PVR pulmonary vascular resistance, SVR systemic vascular resistance