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Table 1 List of cases with extramedullary multiple myeloma progression despite concomitant medullary response to multiple myeloma therapy

From: Extramedullary progression of multiple myeloma despite concomitant medullary response to multiple combination therapies and autologous transplant: a case report

Case study/series

Number of cases

Multiple myeloma treatment

Bone marrow at extramedullary multiple myeloma relapse

Extramedullary multiple myeloma relapse course/response

Bairey et al. [12]



No evidence of disease

eMM relapse in skin and subcutaneous areas, right eyebrow, right knee, sternum and right axilla. Failed chemotherapy. Died secondary to liver eMM.

Iwasaki et al. [13]



No evidence of disease

Skin eMM relapse in 6 months which responded to chemotherapy. Retroperitoneal eMM relapse 2 years later causing death.

Avigdor et al. [11]


Chemotherapy followed by ASCT. Relapse of MM was treated with thalidomide.

No evidence of disease

Patient 1 developed parasellar eMM after 3 months of thalidomide and died in 2 weeks. Patient 2 developed diffuse skin eMM which failed to respond to Allo SCT.

Ah-Weng et al.[14]


Chemotherapy followed by ASCT

No evidence of disease

Multiple cutaneous eMM in 3 months. VAD salvage chemotherapy followed by localized RT and IFN-2a attempted but patient died in 2 weeks.

Terpos et al. [10]


ASCT or Allo SCT

No evidence of disease

median time from ASCT to eMM was 24 months. eMM sites included skin, rectum, and testicles. Treated with local RT (n=5), combination of RT and chemotherapy or thalidomide (n=7), and chemotherapy +/- thalidomide (n=2), VAD-chemotherapy and local RT followed by a mini-allograft from the original donor (n=1). 11 patients died at a median of 10 months following diagnosis of eMM. 4 patients were still alive at 12–20 months after eMM relapse.

Candoni et al. [15]



No evidence of disease

Median time to eMM relapse was 3 months. eMM sites included cutaneous, soft tissue, parasellar. Salvage therapy attempted but poor clinical outcome.

Cerny et al. [16]


IMiD and/or ASCT


Median time to progression and survival after eMM relapse was 29 months and 38 days respectively.

Waterhouse et al. [17]


Thalidomide/melphalan followed by ASCT. MM relapse treated with bortezomib.

No evidence of disease

eMM relapse in the brain, pleural and paravertebral soft tissue in 1 month following bortezomib.

Gozzetti et al.[18]


Chemotherapy followed by ASCT

No evidence of disease

eMM relapse in lung, mediastinum, pancreas, psoas muscle at 5 months post-ASCT. Failed hyper C-PAD. Disease stabilized on lenalidomide at 10 months from eMM relapse.

  1. Abbreviations: Allo SCT, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; ASCT, autologous stem cell transplantation; eMM, extramedullary multiple myeloma; IFN, interferon; IMiD, immunomodulatory drug; MM, multiple myeloma; n/a, not available; VAD, vincristine, doxorubicin, and dexamethasone; RT, radiation therapy; C-PAD, cyclophosphamide, liposomal pegylated doxorubicin, bortezomib and dexamethasone.