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Figure 2 | Journal of Medical Case Reports

Figure 2

From: Gradenigo’s syndrome secondary to chronic otitis media on a background of previous radical mastoidectomy: a case report

Figure 2

Axial computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of temporal bone. A. Thin-slice bone algorithm non-contrast computed tomography revealed partial opacified right middle ear cavity and residual mastoid air cells (thick arrows) as a result of chronic otomastoiditis, and post-mastoidectomy status seen as localized defect along the anterolateral wall of right mastoid air cells (arrowhead). Poor pneumatization of right petrous apex (arrow) was noted and was later confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. B. Spin echo T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated high signal intensity of fatty marrow (arrows), as a normal variant. C. Postgadolinium-pentetic acid spin echo T1-weighted with fat suppression magnetic resonance imaging reveals subtle evidence of right petrous apicitis seen as slightly asymmetrical prominent enhancement as compared to the normal left side (arrowhead).

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